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Technical Audit

A technical audit is the ideal way to obtain an independent assessment of the health and wealth of a cement/Steel/Power industry, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.

A technical audits involves the detailed examination of the operating records and data of a Cement/Steel/Power industry over the preceding years. From this operational performance indexes are calculated and compared with the international performance benchmarks for similar factories, kilns and processes.

However, a technical audits goes further. The examination of the records is carried out on-site and the underlying causes for any shortfall in performance are immediately investigated as part of the technical audit process. The aspects of the operation where improvement efforts should be focused are identified and recommendations on potential improvement projects are included in the technical audit report.

It it is important that all the 5 M's (Men, Materials, Machines, Maintenance and Management) are used optimally.Very often, Top Management fails to detect problems relating to the optimization of the 5 M's or simply underestimate their influence on the production process. TECHNICAL AUDIT allows precise diagnosis of the problems, and can serve as valuable reference towards economic solutions.

The broader area of GSVC Technical Audit Services are:

  • Productivity
  • Cost Saving
  • Loss Prevention

A technical audit therefore combines performance investigation services into one project and produces immediate results.



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Indian Air Force